Men's Guide to Shaving

Men's, How To, Hair

Men's Guide to Shaving

by Neutrogena
April 20, 2022


4 Irritating Habits

Using a high performance shave cream can be a big help in reducing irritation. But there are other sneaky culprits behind the burn, bumps and cuts. Cut these out of your shaving routine to help achieve smoother results, painlessly:

Washing with Cold Water - Use warm water to soften the hairs for a more comfortable shave. Cold water may not soften hair as much, which can sometimes cause your razor to tug rather than cut.
Shaving Against the Grain - Some guys do it to get a closer cut. However, shaving against the grain could also lead to ingrown hairs and irritation. Follow the grain to avoid the pain.
Dry-Shaving - Shaving without water or gel is a quick way to irritate your skin. Soften your beard with warm water before lathering up for a closer, more comfortable shave.
Alcohol-Based Aftershaves - They sting and they can dry out your skin. Choose an alcohol-free lotion or balm to soothe and re-hydrate your freshly shorn face instead.

A Pre-Shave Protection Plan

Most guys naturally wait until they have razor burn to treat it. However, because shaving can leave your face dry and susceptible to irritation, it's important to build your skin's defenses before the bumps and burn even start. This pre-shave protection plan can help.

Cleanse - Remove dirt and oil, which can lead to irritation
Exfoliate - Clear away dead skin cells to help you get a close shave
Warm Up - Soften hairs with warm water so they're easy to cut

Don't Splash and Burn

Help soothe, and re-hydrate your skin to help prevent razor irritation. Out of respect, choose our Triple Protect Face Lotion, and apply after washing skin with cool water and patting dry. This will help ensure your face feels hydrated -not like it's on fire.

Pat Dry
Rinse Cold
Use Triple Protect Face Lotion
Rub Aggressively
Rinse Hot
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